7 Best Tips To Have An Impressive And Future-Proof Website — SFWPExperts

8 min readJun 6, 2020


You all know websites are never a One Time Investment.

Just like any other machine in this world, it also requires repairing and maintenance over time.

But have you ever wondered how brands keep their website look like new, means like it was never obsolete?

Well, to be frank it requires numerous effective strategies implementation, results analysis, and continuous improvements.

Once you have built a website you can’t be sure that it is going to be as appealing and engaging after 5 years as it is now.

Web design trends come and goes but what remains constant is the willingness to make your visitors stay longer on your site.

The question is how can you do that?

Is it the high-quality content going to help, a responsive web design, or for that matter even easy navigation?

As far as the user engagement goes, you can’t factor in any one thing to draw your user’s attention.

There are multiple things that come into play and you will have to keep everything in balance to achieve the desired results.

Looking at the cut-throat competition in the web design industry, we have decided to create a post addressing the important things to perform to have an awesome and future-proof website.

When you complete this blog, you will be able to check out your website thoroughly and make necessary changes to succeed in your goal.

But before you all take a deep dive into details, I would like to include a short description about SFWP Experts here. As an expert-integrated web design company in Los Angeles, this organization helps businesses to drive high traffic to their website and get targeted conversions. You can ask them for professional help round the clock and get you problems resolved promptly. Basically, they are well at responsive web design and development, website analysis and redesign, search engine optimization, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and many more.

With that on hold for sometime, let’s switch to the main matter of the content — how to have an awesome and future-proof website?

How To Have A Stunning And Future-Proof Website?

1. Plan An Tempting Customer Journey

By doing this, you will be able to educate your customers, build trust and credibility, and get their business easily. Make each and every interaction helpful in acquiring your potential customers. Your touchpoints should be enticing enough to lead to an immediate purchase.

A touchpoint is the interaction that potential customers have with different elements on your website during their purchase journey. A touchpoint could be anything from seeing a social post to reading customer’s review about your products or services.

Usually a customer’s decision to make a purchase evoke from the relationship that is built by going through a series of positive and genuine touchpoints. Now it’s your duty to make sure that your website is in the best of its health since each touchpoint reflects the reputation of your brand.

Take note that even a single touchpoint that doesn’t sink well with an amazing customer experience could risk a strong relationship with your customers.

2. Make Minimalism A Priority

According to a post published by Forbes, an average person judges the trustworthiness of another person within 7 seconds. In the case of websites, that time plummets to 1/50th of a second. That means you don’t have much time to impress your users, do you? Borrowing a strategy from tech giants like Apple and Google, their websites are the symbol of simple design.

In the age where website administrators can load their site with high-quality images and immersive videos, consider being a product or service provider with minimal web design. It’s not easy to believe that they manage to obtain great results even without the use of gimmicks. That’s the inspiration you should adopt to make a difference among your competitors.

If you wish to have a minimalist web design that focuses on your main content instead of other aspects of your site, don’t have a second thought about working with us. Being the best web design company in Los Angeles, we listen to our clients, do our research, and then create a masterpiece that stands out from the masses. To exchange a few words with us, you can use the telephone line, email thread or a live chat option. We offer WordPress web design, WordPress development, custom plugin development, conversion rate optimization, Email marketing, SEO, PPC and many other services as such.

3. Adopt Mobile-First Design

Nothing is hidden from you all, how mobile users are rising dramatically in the US as well as other parts of the world. Although your website might render well on desktop, you need to make sure that it displays the same way on mobile screens as well. In short, you will have to strive for cross platform compatibility for your site. Days ago, Google already made it clear that they will factor in mobile-first design to determine the ranks of websites in the search results. For this reason, you will have to get yourself an engrossing and straightforward website that can be viewed properly on mobile phones.

There are numerous ways to access websites and your site must be ever ready to provide users with information where they want. Watch out Google Analytics reports regularly and check the browsers and devices your visitors are using to visit your website. Are most of them mobile or desktop users? Probably, you would be receiving most of the traffic from mobile phones and so you should stick to mobile-first design.

4. Implement Codes That Are Easy To Update

To keep your site future proof, you need to be able to make updates to your site as quickly as possible. Overcomplicate the codes and you are going to struggle while improving the performance of your site. You will not be able to respond quickly to the changing demands and needs of your customers if your codes can’t be easily updated.

Feel free to contact us if you run into issues and need quick technical help. Seasoned designers, and developers at our Wordpress developer professionals are always up to do problem-solving jobs. And phone calls are one of the easy ways to connect with them. A slew of services you can find us suitable for includes mobile-friendly web design and development, website hosting and maintenance, speed optimization, search engine optimization, and pay per click advertising.

5. Use A Trusted CMS (Content management System)

When choosing a proper content management system for your website, look for the one that can be compatible with the growing needs of your site. Some CMS providers available today are quite expensive when it comes to using their services. Among all, WordPress is the most trusted and widely used CMS in the world that’s best to pick for your site needs. If you want to find an alternative, be very cautious while choosing one since not all the CMS are reliable in the long run.

6. Make Your Site Search Engine Optimized

Optimizing your site for search engines more so, Google is crucially important to rank on the first page of search results. A complete set of meta tags, title, URL, and on-page & off-page SEO is necessary to make your site SEO-friendly. This will make the job easier for search engines to crawl every page of your site and index it to show up in SERP.

Just in case, you want to have a SEO-friendly website and partner with a company that is clear with its terms and conditions, no other choice except SFWP Experts would be best for you. The kind of support and assistance you get from our end is unmatched in the entire US. What’s more, we have an online marketing and promotion team to strengthen your online presence. You can get hold of us for availing a wide range of professional services such as ecommerce web design, web development, UI and UX design, icon and logo design, content marketing, email marketing, SEO, PPC and so forth.

7. Post Relevant Content

Experts believe that an organization implementing content marketing practices to increase their revenue is six times greater than the one that overlook it. A website having loads of appropriate content in their blogs section can make the visitors stay on their site for a longer time as compared to one that doesn’t have. Therefore, design your website keeping in mind the value delivery to users when they come to your site for product or information. In addition to that, keep updating your pre-existing content and checkout the quality of links on your website.

Summing It All Up

Now that you know what you need to do to create an awesome and future-proof website, it’s time to bring all into practice as soon as you can. The shorter the visitors stay on your site, the higher your chances of losing out business. To put it simply, when visitors don’t spend much time on your site it means they don’t want to do business with you and might turn to your competitors.

That’s all for now and if you have any questions or queries to raise, we are all ears. At our reputed Wordpress website design company, rest assured your website needs will be well-fulfilled since each and every project is reviewed by our experts after completion. You can communicate with us using any communication platform and leverage services such as user-friendly web design and development, landing page design and development, web support and maintenance, search engine optimization, online marketing and others.

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SFWP EXPERTS is one of the best web designing company in Los Angeles. Here we provide the best service at very affordable price. Visit : https://bit.ly/2luLMM2

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